Week 3

 Dear Friends,

This week I had learned some of the great lessons of family.  "The Family and its importance is very less known to many in the world. In the world, people judge many of us by the following:

1. The money and properties you possess.

2. Your geographical location

3. Your Education

4. Job/ occupation

5. Religion or caste

6. Race

7. Appearance, the dress you wear, the jewelry you wear and the makeup, and others

8. Your Language and how you speak

9. Your behavior'

10. Family structure

11. Connections (Friendship or relation with influenced and powerful people)

Sometimes the unseen things that happen around us create and influence people a lot. The situations and circumstances we live in can make life very different. Ethics, peace, and values are things that drive a family. For example, if you see a couple of police cars in front of your neighbor's house and taking the head of the house in the police with handcuffs. Your view and perception of them will immediately change even though the head of the house is guilt-free. Someone said that "Don't judge a book by its cover." It is highly important for us to not judge people by seeing what we had seen, what we had heard, or picturized. Until you have a strong confirmation from the holy spirit and you have to know the background of the full real story, don't come to confirmation. We should not be biased in our judgments and views of others. We should be clear and before we come to a conclusion, we should not gossip about things we have not seen and known completely. Even though sometimes we have heard or seen might not be the real or actual truths. It is very much important to maintain dignity by living the truth and working for our own. A family can be collapsed very easily if they start hearing the gossips and believing others' sweet poisonous words. Some people if though they had nothing they wear rich apparel and act like they have great richness. This is foolishness. If we act and mesmerize with things that we don't have, we will be left alone when the truth is revealed. In the Bible, it says, "Be Thou Humble", one of the important qualities that everyone needs to enter into the kingdom of God. These are my internal thoughts when I was in the class.

Other lessons I had learned in the class are about the sacrifice that parents, children, and family members do for the betterment of the family and upcoming generations or at least their children's wellbeing. Many couples in the family do a lot of sacrifices in the family to have a complete meal for the family. For example, most of the people in the world do adjust to doing a difficult job if they are unable to find the job they like. It is because to survive for themselves and their family. Even though it is very hard to do that job, they do it for the livelihood of the family. I saw in my personal life and many others do a great sacrifice in terms of what they eat. In some places of the world where the economy very is less the salaries were very less and the livelihood of the people is very very less even way below the poverty line. In this state, people eat less or doesn't eat much delicious meal since it is not affordable. Even sometimes if things are even affordable they can't go beyond their budget because they are not able to predict the future.

The other sacrifice that most people do for their livelihood is immigration to different places in the country or different countries. This is a very sad and deeply challenging move. Sometimes when we move to a different place we leaving great memories, great friends, relations and wonderful societies, life, inheritance, learnings, and teachings. It is not so easy to move to a different place, especially for parents, grandparents, and children. The cost of moving also influences a lot. For some families moving to a different area to improve their life, skills and career may cost their life earnings or even more. People sometimes move to different countries by selling all properties, earning, and even making much more debts, without knowing what would happen after moving to a new unknown alien world. This is life. All we need to learn is to move on. There will be many people coming into our lives and going. The only earthly person who can stand and understand until the last is your wife or husband. In some cases, it is your family with your parents and children, since they had loved you unconditionally. Not everything we see and hear is true. Trust in God and believe in him.


  1. It's amazing what we are willing to sacrifice for our families!


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